Warning - severe gale today
Strong or severe gale today and tomorrow also in the West fjords
Icelandic Meteorological Office wishes to emphasize the following weather forecast:
A strong gale or severe gale warning (average wind velocity 20 to 28 m/s) is in effect for all parts of Iceland today, and in Westfjords and tonight and tomorrow.
Weather forecast for the next 26 hours:
Today (Wednesday): East winds, 20 to 28 m/s with snow in the south and west part of Iceland, but later sleet and rain by the coast. East 18 to 28 m/s in the afternoon, strongest winds by the coast. Lighter winds and mostly dry in the north and east at first, but east 18 to 23 m/s and snow and blowing snow there in the afternoon and evening. Decreasing winds and precipitation tonight but a strong gale and snow in the Westfjords.
Tomorrow: North 20 to 28 m/s and snow or snow showers in the westernmost part of the country, strongest winds in the Westfjords, but much lighter southerly winds and some scattered snow showers in the east. Slightly warming temperatures for now, but cooling again tomorrow. Northwest gale or strong gale in all of Iceland tomorrow evening.
Forecaster's remarks:
Bad weather is expected with poor travelling conditions in all of Iceland today, and in the western part tomorrow.

Meteorologists on duty
Óli Þór Árnason and Haraldur Eiríksson