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In Budapest, Hungary, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change are holding their 28th session.
At this meeting, IPCC will decide how to allocate the financial award received when they shared the Nobel Peace Prize with former US Vice President Al Gore last year.
At the session, a synthesis of comments on the future of the IPCC will be introduced. A call was made for such comments and 37 governments, 16 organizations and more than 70 lead authors replied.
As stated in the paper submitted by the secretariat:
"All submissions endorsed the value of IPCC reports and strongly endorsed a continuation of IPCC assessment work.
Overwhelming support was expressed for a continuation of comprehensive assessment reports, covering the full range of the physical science basis, impacts and response measures.
Most of the government submissions supported current practice to finalize all volumes of a comprehensive assessment report within a relatively short time frame.
Most submissions also urged to maintain in principle the rigorous IPCC procedures and the general structure."