Low level flight conditions over Iceland

                 Low level flight conditions over Iceland


OUTLOOK 1200 - 1700 GMT.

Winds/temperature at significant levels:
FL050: 180/15-25KT, -05 in the west, +04 in the far east
FL100: 180/25-40KT, strongest in the center, -15 in west, -04 in east
FL180: 180/35-70KT, strongest in the W, -32 in far west, -22 in far east

Overview of weather systems:
500 km W of Reykjanes is a quasi-stationary 994 mb low.

Near surface winds:
S-erly or variable wind 05-15 KT.

Cloud heights/visibility/weather:
BKN at 1000-3000 FT in South- and West-Iceland with showers of rain or snow with limited visibility, CB clouds can be expected. SCT/BKN at more than 2500 FT in North-Iceland and mostly dry and good visibility. BKN at 1500-3500 FT in the E part, but lower ceiling at times with mist/fog, especially near the coast. Tops of CBs at 13.000-17.000 FT.

Visual flight conditions in Iceland:
Poor, but marginal/OK in North-Iceland.

Freezing level:
0-2500 FT, but up to 6000 FT in the E part.

Atmospheric or cloud icing:
MOD in showers.

MOD in showers.

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