Steam plumes from Holuhraun lava field
Over the past weeks, steam plumes have been seen rising from the Holuhraun lava field. The eruption ended 27 February 2015 and these plumes are not signs of a new eruption.
The steam plumes are the consequence of partly solidified lava interacting with water. Meltwater in the outlet rivers from the Dyngjujökull glacier has been increasing, resulting in water coming into contact with the cooling lava front. It is likely that such steam plumes will continue to be seen in the weeks to come.
Water levels on the Flæður floodplain, close to the source of Jökulsá á Fjöllum, are increasing due to summertime melting of the ice-cap. Meltwater from Dyngjujökull is probably affecting the crater area of the lava field.
The following photographs were taken at Kverkfjöll on 9 June 2015 during the spring survey of Jörfi, Jöklarannsóknafélag Íslands, onto Vatnajökull.