VONA message


Time: 29. May 2024, 21:32 GMT

Color code:  Orange 

Volcano id: 371020

Activity summary:
The eruption in Sundhnúksgigar continues. Since around 19:00 UTC the phreato-magmatic activity which produced some tephra (and ash) declined. Currently, only steam and gas plumes are visible from cameras. The SO2 measurements, performed with DOAS, showed values of fluxes varying between 100-600 kg/s. The peak in the flux was measured one hour since the eruption started. For the time being the aviation color code is moved back to orange, but it will be changed to red if the phreato-magmatic activity will resume. The gas plume is forecasted to move to ENE in the next 24 hours.

Cloud height:
No volcanic ash produced.

Other cloud information:
No volcanic ash produced.

The latest hazard map is accessible here: https://en.vedur.is/volcanoes/fagradalsfjall-eruption/hazard-map/ The latest news is accessible here: https://en.vedur.is/about-imo/news/volcanic-unrest-grindavik

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