VONA message


Time: 09. Nov 2023, 14:50 GMT

Color code:  Yellow 

Volcano id: 371020

Activity summary:
The volcano-tectonic unrest in the Reykjanes Peninsula, which commenced on the 25 October, continues. A total of 21,400 earthquakes have been detected in the area and this night an intense seismic swarm occurred. The largest earthquake measured M4.8 at 00:46 UTC. It was located west of Þorbjörn. It is the largest earthquake since the activity began. Seven earthquakes M4.0 or larger in size were measured in the area from Eldvörp to the area east of Sýlingarfell. According to GPS data and satellite-based data, the uplift continues in the area. The area which is experiencing the highest rate of deformation is NW of Mt Þorbjörn (N6352, W2229).

Cloud height:
No eruption ongoing.

Other cloud information:
No eruption ongoing.

In case the current intrusion will evolve further and magma will start propagating towards the surface in this area, the most likely outcome would be an effusive eruption. However, the presence of shallow ground-water in the vicinity of the ongoing magmatic accumulation, might trigger some short-lived explosions whenever magma will encounter these reservoirs. In case an eruptive fissure will form beneath the ground water level, the production of small amount of tephra injected at an altitude of few km might occur in the initial phase of the eruption. In case of lava flowing over water ponds small explosions might be triggered affecting the very local surrounding area (few hundreds meters). More information on background activity, eruptive scenarios and volcanic hazards is available at icelandicvolcanoes.is/?volcano=REY.

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