Time: 05. Aug 2023, 17:06 GMT
Color code: Yellow
Volcano id: 371032
Activity summary:
The minor effusive eruption which commenced on July 10th has been declining over the past few days. Tremor has decreased drastically in the past 36 hours and at 3 pm today it had reached background levels. Previously data collected by colleagues at the University of Iceland, the Icelandic Institute of Natural History and the National Land Survey of Iceland on 31 July had shown a decrease in the extrusion rate by about half. The GPS data indicates signs of deflation at depth which probably coincides with the deep source feeding the eruption. Very little activity is seen in the crater on web cameras. Given the current condition the aviation color code is changed to yellow. IMO continues monitoring closely the area as the situation might escalate again with short notice.
Cloud height:
The gas plume height has been within 1-2 km asl as assessed by calibrated cameras most of the time, and it exceeded 2.5 km on 1 August.
Other cloud information:
No plume is detectable from camera
The area around the eruption site is still prone to various hazards including: sudden lava outbreaks and gas pollution.