Climate and Energy Systems - CES

Two TRI/TFI projects with roots in the CES collaboration funded


The CES project and its predecessors, CCEP, CWE and CE, have forged a longstanding research collaboration in the field of climate change and energy issues among meteorological, hydrological and many other research institutes in the Nordic and Baltic countries. The TRI/TFI (Top-level Research Initiative/Topforskningsinitiativet) is a major Nordic venture for research of the climate, energy systems and the environment. With a budget of DKK 400 million over five years, the TRI is the largest joint Nordic research and innovation initiative to date.

Three TRI applications were formulated by groups that were formed out of the ongoing CES collaboration with additional participants from several other Nordic scientific networks. Two of these applications have now been funded: SVALI (Stability and Variations of Arctic Land Ice, ~40 million NOK applied for to the TRI), under the sub-programme Interaction between Climate Change and the Cryosphere of the TRI; and ICEWIND (Icing and Wind Energy Integration in Northern Norden, total budget ~25 million NOK, ~12 million NOK applied for to the TRI), under the sub-programme Integration of large-scale wind power.

The third application, CCIA (Climate Change Impacts and Adaptation, total budget ~40 million NOK, ~30 million NOK applied for to the TRI), which is under the sub-programme Effect studies and adaptation to climate change of the TRI), was submitted on 17 June 2010, and is currently under evaluation. The TRI programme will enable a considerable intensification of Nordic climate change and environmental research of the Arctic area and research of renewable energy sources, in particular by funding a large number of new PhD and PostDoc positions at Universities and collaborating research institutes.

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