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Local forecasts are based on weather forecasts produced by the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts, ECMWF and the Danish Meteorological Institute, DMI. At the Icelandic Meteorological Office, automatic statistical methods are used to localise such forecasts.

Text forecast for the whole country

Weather outlook

Southeasterly 8-15 m/s and rain or sleet, but stronger wind in Snæfellsnes. Lighter wind and mostly dry in the northeast.

Becoming south 10-18 tomorrow with drizzle and rain, but lighter precipitation in the Northeast part. Considerable rain in the West in the afternoon. Temperature 5 to 12 deg. C, warmest in the north and east.
Forecast made: 19.04.2024 22:07. Valid until: 21.04.2024 00:00.

Weather forecast for the next several days

On Sunday:
Southwest and west 8-5 m/s and mainly fair, but 15-23 in the North part. Decreasing wind in the evening. Temperatures 3 to 10 deg.C, mildest in the southernmost part.

On Monday and Tuesday:
Rather light southerly or variable wind and fair, but partly cloudy by the West coast. Temperature 4 to 12 deg. C., warmest in the South part.

On Wednesday:
East 3-8 m/s, but Southeast 8-13 in the Southwest part. Widely fair, but partly cloudy by the coast. Temp. 5 to 10 deg.C. in West Iceland, but light frost in the East.

On Thursday and Friday:
Looks like northerly wind and fair weather in Southwest Iceland, temp. 2 to 8 deg.C, but cloudy in the Northeast part and occational snowshowers, frost 0 to 6 deg.
Forecast made: 19.04.2024 20:51. Valid until: 26.04.2024 12:00.

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